General Information


The Victoria German School is run by a voluntary Board and a School Director. The School requires the active participation of parents to operate effectively and will request involvement with various activities, events and fundraising.

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Session and Class Times:

The school year runs from September to early June, with breaks for holidays and certain other dates (see calendar). The school holds most classes on Saturday mornings, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, but also holds midweek classes on Tuesday afternoons, 3:45-6:00 pm.


The school rents space from the University of Victoria for its classes. Classes are held at the Clearihue Building, which is located between the library and UVic centre on Ring Rd., UVic.


The school has a  library housed in a mobile bookcase that is available during school hours. We have books for various age groups as well as DVDs & CDs.


School Director

Ralf Gabriel has become the director of the school before school start of the year 2016 to 2017. Find out more about him her (to come soon).


School Faculty

  • Petra Kixmoeller – A1/ A2 & Adult classes
  • Erika Goetz-Lad – Grundstufe 1 Deutsch & DSD 1
  • Merle Kruck – Spielgruppe
  • Joanna Schaller – Adult classes
  • Britta Fischer – Grundstufe 1 Immersion
  • Jasmin O’Brian – DSD 2
  • Ute von Salzen – Grundstufe 2  Deutsch (1)
  • Nastja Kharine – Grundstufe 2 Deutsch (2)
  • Mareike Bracht – A2 High School

School Board

Board members are all volunteers and are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in October each year.

Executive Board Members

  • Werner Simbeck, President
  • Anahita Ariana, Vice President
  • Christina Knowles, Secretary
  • Michel Turcotte, Treasurer

Board Members at Large

  • Katrina Giesbrecht
  • Monika Brandstaetter
  • Marcus Schlag
  • Trevar Pearce

Board minutes

Board minutes 2016:
January 2016
June 2016
September 2016

Board minutes 2015:
January 2015
February 2015
April 2015
May 23rd 2015
May 30th 2015
June 2015
Sept 2015
November 2015



September 2015
November/December 2015
March/April 2016


School Events

Please check our calendar for more information


Our Annual General Meeting generally takes place in October of each year at UVic. New board members are welcome.

Weihnachtsfest (Christmas party)

Our yearly ‘Weihnachtsfest’ is usually taking place in early December and is a great opportunity to connect with teachers and parents alike.

Osterfest (Easter celebration)

Our Osterfest is celebrated the weekend before the Easter long weekend.

Sommerfest (Year end celebration)

We are celebrating our “Sommerfest” on the last Saturday of the school year.

Sommer Picknick (Summer picnic)

For the first time the school organized a fun get together towards the end of the 2017 summer break, meeting at Gyro Park for a picnic.

Stammtisch (“Regular’s table”)

An old tradition in German speaking countries and a new but already very successful one with VGS is our monthly “Stammtisch”: Usually every first Friday of the month during the school year, the director Ralf Gabriel sends out an invitation to interested parties about where and when to meet. So far, the Stammtisch has met at the Fernwood Inn, as well as at a pub in James Bay. If you would like to be added to the “Stammtisch”-list please let Ralf know at info (at)


Affiliated Events:

Laternenfest (Lantern Walk)

The St. Barnabas Church yearly organizes a traditional Lanternwalk taking place on St. Martin’s day. Please feel free to join.



Fundraising Events

Please check our calendar for more information. A call for volunteers and announcements about these events usually goes out a few weeks before the event. Please consider supporting the school by volunteering to help with set-up, take-down, and running the VGS booth, and by spreading the word about the following events.

While we are not sure whether any of the contacts made at these events are actually resulting in bringing in new students, it is a pleasure talking to the community and seeing the interest in the German language, Culture, and Food! Thank you!

Events we have participated in over the last years are the Buccaneer Days in Esquimalt, Cordova Bay Day, and (in conjunction with the Edelweiss Club) the Saanich Fall Fair. Future ones we are thinking about are the Gorge Festival and the Oak Bay Tea Party.