School Events
Please check our calendar for more information
Our Annual General Meeting generally takes place in October of each year at UVic. New board members are welcome.
Weihnachtsfest (Christmas party)
Our yearly ‘Weihnachtsfest’ is usually taking place in early December and is a great opportunity to connect with teachers and parents alike.
Osterfest (Easter celebration)
Our Osterfest is celebrated the weekend before the Easter long weekend.
Sommerfest (Year end celebration)
We are celebrating our “Sommerfest” on the last Saturday of the school year.
Sommer Picknick (Summer picnic)
The school usually organizes a fun get together towards the end of each summer break, meeting at Beacon Hill park for a picnic.
Stammtisch (“Regulars’ table”)
An old tradition in German speaking countries and a fairly new but already very successful one with VGS is our monthly “Stammtisch”: Usually once a month, Ralf sends out an invitation to interested parties about where and when to meet. The Stammtisch mostly meets at Moon Under Water Brewpub, the Fernwood Inn or the Bent Mast in James Bay. If you would like to be added to the “Stammtisch”-list please let Ralf know at . Looking forward to seeing you there! And: you don't have to be affiliated with the German school in any way to enjoy this event, but you should be a solid German speaker.
Affiliated Events:
Laternenfest (Lantern Walk)
The St. Barnabas Church yearly organizes a traditional Lanternwalk taking place on St. Martin’s day. Please feel free to join.